
Rediscovering History: Qualia Café

Miguel López 7 months ago 0 6

Situated in the historic district on Pearl River’s north bank, Qualia Café, the brainchild of the coffee and dessert brand “观粼QUALIA,” finds its home in a renovated ground floor of a historical tenement on Wei Xin Heng Lu. This area, once known as Wei Xin Road and later renamed Qi Yi Road in 1966, holds significance as it intersects with the main north-south road, symbolizing restoration and revolution respectively.

Design Concept

Specializing in luxury coffee and French desserts, Qualia Café’s design concept revolves around showcasing the artistry of French dessert-making. Two distinct black boxes, strategically positioned within the rectangular building, serve as a visual representation of cut-out sections of French desserts. This juxtaposition of old and new creates a heterogeneous experience, inviting patrons to immerse themselves in the culinary journey.

Spatial Composition

The café’s interior unfolds gradually, divided into three elevations to mitigate the depth of the entrance and alleviate any sense of confinement. By elevating the floor and separating it from the original walls, a striking contrast between old and new emerges, while concealed pipes and lighting add to the modern functionality.

Harmonious Contrast

Retaining elements of the old plaster and concrete structure on the ceiling, Qualia Café embraces the contrast between past and present. A newly constructed loft above the entrance offers additional seating, providing guests with views of Madagascar almond trees and the facades of old tenements across the street.

Metaphorical Elements

A loft extension serves as a platform for air conditioning units, featuring customized wind-driven louvers that sway with the breeze, symbolizing the ebb and flow of water—evocative of the café’s Chinese namesake, “GUAN LIN.” This harmonious interplay between old and new, dessert and coffee, invites patrons to engage with history and innovation in a tangible and immersive manner.

In essence, Qualia Café transcends its role as a mere culinary destination, offering patrons a journey through history, culture, and gastronomy in a space where past and present intertwine seamlessly.

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